Our Competition Law in the Digital Age newsletter is a quarterly publication intended to provide insights on modern-day competition law developments in a bite-sized format. This edition covers the European Commission's proposals for new regulations for online platforms and a new competition tool, the Commission's sector inquiry into the Internet of Things, the German Federal Court judgment regarding Facebook and the UK Competition and Markets Authority's market study into online platforms and digital advertising.
The newsletter is produced jointly by the Best Friends group of BonelliErede, Bredin Prat, De Brauw Blackstone Westbroek, Hengeler Mueller, Slaughter and May and Uría Menéndez. In addition to sharing a joint office in Brussels, we cooperate in the area of competition law by working together at every opportunity on cases for clients, exchanging lawyers and pooling our know-how and expertise. We believe that together our cross-border capability in Europe is second to none.