The Law Reviews

The Law Reviews, published by Law Business Research Limited, are guides to developments in various legal practice areas in key jurisdictions. Our partners and associates edit and contribute to a number of these guides, which are available below.


The Mergers and Acquisitions Review - 13th edition - Hong Kong chapter

Developments in Mergers and Acquisitions in Hong Kong prepared for thirteenth edition of The Mergers & Acquisitions Review

The Mergers and Acquisitions Review - 13th edition - EU chapter

This EU Overview in the thirteenth edition of The Mergers & Acquisitions Review is one of 47 chapters in the Review which provides a richer understanding of the shape of the global markets, and the challenges and opportunities facing market participants.

The Mergers and Acquisitions Review - 13th edition - United Kingdom chapter

This UK chapter in the thirteenth edition of The Mergers & Acquisitions Review is one of 47 chapters in the Review which provides a richer understanding of the shape of the global markets, and the challenges and opportunities facing market participants.


The Real Estate Law Review - 13th edition - England & Wales chapter

Developments in Real Estate, in England and Wales prepared for the thirteenth edition of the The Real Estate Law Review

The Real Estate Law Review - 12th edition - England & Wales chapter

Developments in Real Estate, in England and Wales prepared for the twelfth edition of the The Real Estate Law Review


The Real Estate M&A and Private Equity Review - 8th edition - United Kingdom chapter

This law review chapter considers legal, regulatory and market developments in UK real estate M&A and private equity.


The Dispute Resolution Review - 15th edition

The Fifteenth Edition of the Dispute Resolution Review provides an indispensable overview of the civil court systems in major jurisdictions worldwide. It examines the key aspects of each jurisdiction's dispute resolution rules and practice, and developments over the past 12 months.

The Dispute Resolution Review - 13th edition - Brexit chapter

The Thirteenth Edition of the Dispute Resolution Review provides an indispensable overview of the civil court systems of 28 jurisdictions and offers a guide to those who are faced with disputes that cross international boundaries. This edition discusses the different ways to organise and operate a legal system successfully as well as overcoming potential challenges along the way.

The Dispute Resolution Review - 13th edition - England & Wales chapter

The Thirteenth Edition of the Dispute Resolution Review provides an indispensable overview of the civil court systems of 28 jurisdictions and offers a guide to those who are faced with disputes that cross international boundaries. This edition discusses the different ways to organise and operate a legal system successfully as well as overcoming potential challenges along the way.

The Dispute Resolution Review - 11th edition - Hong Kong chapter

Legal developments in Dispute Resolution in Hong Kong prepared for the eleventh edition of The Dispute Resolution Review


The Insolvency Review - 6th edition - England & Wales chapter

Discusses market trends and recent case law and gives an overview of statutory framework and substantive law underpinning the insolvency regime in England and Wales.


The Asset Management Review - 9th edition - Hong Kong chapter

This chapter considers the legal, regulatory and market developments in asset management in Hong Kong.

The Asset Management Review - 9th edition - EU chapter

This chapter considers the legal, regulatory and market developments in asset management in the EU.

The Asset Management Review - 9th edition - United Kingdom chapter

This chapter considers the legal, regulatory and market developments in asset management in the UK.


The Transfer Pricing Law Review - 7th edition - United Kingdom chapter

Preface by Steve Edge and Dominic Robertson for the seventh edition of The Transfer Pricing Law Review. UK chapter by Steve Edge, Dominic Robertson and Tom Gilliver.


The Banking Regulation Review - 14th Edition - International Initiatives Chapter

This 14th edition of The Banking Regulation Review contains chapters on the UK and Hong Kong as well as on International Initiatives and an overview of the European Union.

The Banking Regulation Review - 14th Edition - EU Chapter

This 14th edition of The Banking Regulation Review contains chapters on the UK and Hong Kong as well as on International Initiatives and an overview of the European Union.

The Banking Regulation Review - 14th Edition - United Kingdom Chapter

This 14th edition of The Banking Regulation Review contains chapters on the UK and Hong Kong as well as on International Initiatives and an overview of the European Union.

The Banking Regulation Review - 13th edition - Hong Kong Chapter

The Banking Regulation Review is an annual survey of the key developments in banking regulation worldwide including chapters on International initiatives and the European Union.


The Merger Control Review - 8th edition - United Kingdom chapter

Developments in merger control in the United Kingdom, prepared for the eighth edition of The Merger Control Review


The Lending and Secured Finance Review - 9th edition - England and Wales chapter

The Lending and Secured Finance Review: an overview of developments in the corporate lending and secured finance markets in 15 different countries.

The Lending and Secured Finance Review - 8th edition - Hong Kong chapter

The Lending and Secured Finance Review provides an overview of the developments in the corporate lending and secured finance markets in 16 different countries and the challenges and opportunities facing market participants.


The Private Competition Enforcement Review –14th edition - EU chapter

Competition litigation has been on a continuing upward trajectory across the EU Member States. The EU chapter of The Private Competition Enforcement Review (14th ed) examines the legal framework for EU private competition law enforcement, and discusses recent activities and future developments in this area.


In-Depth: Class Actions – 8th edition – England & Wales chapter

Class actions and major group litigation can be seismic events, not only for the parties, but also whole industries and parts of society. In-Depth: Class Actions (8th edition) explains the relevant procedures, developments and factors in play in some of the leading jurisdictions for class actions and group litigation. Camilla Sanger and Peter Wickham, Disputes and Investigations partners in London, edited the eighth edition of In-Depth: Class Actions and alongside James Lawrence co-authored the England and Wales chapter. 

In-Depth: Class Actions – 8th edition – Hong Kong chapter

Class actions and major group litigation can be seismic events, not only for the parties, but also whole industries and parts of society. In-Depth: Class Actions (8th edition) explains the relevant procedures, developments, and factors in play in some of the leading jurisdictions for class actions and group litigation. Wynne Mok, Disputes and Investigations partner in Hong Kong authored the Hong Kong chapter discussing the class action framework, procedure, cross-border issues, and outlook in Hong Kong.


GCR’s Private Litigation Guide - 1st edition - Territorial Considerations: the EU Perspective chapter

The integration of economic markets and the cross-border nature of supply chains have made it increasingly difficult (but arguably also increasingly important) to delineate the territorial scope of national and international competition law regimes. This chapter explores the territorial reach of EU competition law (in the context of both public and private enforcement) and focuses on the question of the limits of EU territorial jurisdiction for competition law.


The Shareholder Rights and Activism Review - 8th edition - United Kingdom chapter

This law review chapter considers the legal and regulatory framework in UK shareholder activism, key trends over the past two years, and an analysis of recent activism campaigns. Furthermore, the chapter offers a summary of recent regulatory developments, as well as an outlook on the direction of travel for the UK activism landscape.


The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations - 6th edition - United Kingdom chapter

The Sixth Edition of Global Investigation Review’s Guide to Global Investigations is the premier practitioner-led guide, covering every stage of an investigation as well as local advice on topics such as privilege and employee rights from twenty-five international firms.

The Practitioner’s Guide to Global Investigations - 5th edition - United Kingdom chapter

The Fifth Edition of Global Investigation Review’s Guide to Global Investigations is the premier practitioner-led guide, covering every stage of an investigation as well as local advice on topics such as privilege and employee rights from twenty-five international firms.


Global Investigations Review’s Guide to International Enforcement of the Securities Laws - 1st edition - United Kingdom chapter

As the securities enforcement landscape continues to expand beyond national borders, the Guide to International Enforcement of the Securities Laws seeks to address the most pressing questions in securities law enforcement. With this in mind, Ewan Brown, Gayathri Kamalanathan and Anna Lambourn have written a chapter focusing on enforcement of securities laws from a UK perspective. 


The Space Law Review – 4th edition - Taxation chapter

For companies in the space industry, tax is an important factor in determining where to base themselves. This chapter surveys the basic conceptual framework relevant to the direct taxation of space companies, focusing particularly on the operation of satellites. While the United Kingdom's corporate taxation is Tom’s area of practice, this chapter does not focus on any particular jurisdiction; rather, it highlights concepts and issues that are common to many jurisdictions. 

The Space Law Review – 3rd edition – Taxation chapter

Taxation chapter by Tom Gilliver surveying the conceptual framework relevant to the direct taxation of space companies


The Banking Litigation Law Review - United Kingdom Chapter - 8th Edition

UK chapter of the eighth edition of In-Depth: Banking Litigation (formerly The Banking Litigation Law Review), provides a practical overview of the litigation landscape and framework for banking disputes in major jurisdictions worldwide.

The Banking Litigation Law Review - Hong Kong Chapter - 8th Edition

Hong Kong chapter of the eighth edition of In-Depth: Banking Litigation (formerly The Banking Litigation Law Review), provides a practical overview of the litigation landscape and framework for banking disputes in major jurisdictions worldwide.

The Banking Litigation Law Review - United Kingdom Chapter - 6th Edition

UK chapter of the sixth edition of The Banking Litigation Law Review which considers recent legal developments in banking litigation.

The Banking Litigation Law Review - Hong Kong Chapter - 6th Edition

Hong Kong chapter of the sixth edition of The Banking Litigation Law Review which considers recent legal developments in banking litigation.

The Banking Litigation Law Review - United Kingdom Chapter - 5th Edition

UK chapter of the fifth edition of The Banking Litigation Law Review which considers recent legal developments in banking litigation.

The Banking Litigation Law Review - Hong Kong Chapter - 5th Edition

Hong Kong chapter of the fifth edition of The Banking Litigation Law Review which considers recent legal developments in banking litigation.

This material is provided for general information only. It does not constitute legal or other professional advice.